Quarterly peer-reviewed scientific journal published by the Institute of Latin American Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. It was established in 1998.
Founder and publisher is the Institute of Latin American Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
This is the only scientific journal in Spanish language in Russia, where the current issues of economy, domestic and foreign policy, sociology and culture of the Latin American, Caribbean and Iberian countries are analyzed. It was established in 1998 by the Institute of Latin American Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences as successor of "America Latina” almanac which had been published since 1995. It quarterly publications contain scientific papers by Russian and foreign authors. The journal is registered in the Russian Science Citation Index (RINC) .
Our main authors
Leading researchers from the Institute of Latin American Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow State Institute of International Relations, (belonging to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation MGIMO University), Sankt-Petersburg State University, other universities and research institutions of international profile, diplomats, heads of the practicing organizations, and also the foreign researchers representing the leading scientific centers of Latin America, Europe, Asia, USA and Canada.
General topics of the journal
а) economic and political trends and problems of the particular countries and regions of Latin America, the Caribbean basin, Spain and Portugal; b) comparative analysis of economic and political reforms in Russia in the light of international experience; c) theory and practice of diplomatic, trade and economic relations; d) integration processes; d) role and relevance of emerging BRICS countries; e) security issues; f) transboundary terrorism; g) current challenges of scientific and technological progress.
The journal’s audience: researchers of Russian and International centers of Latin American Studies, university professors, postgraduate students and Spanish speaking foreign students of higher education institutions.
Frequency - 4 issues per year (quarterly)
Circulation - 250 copies.
Volume - 180 - 200 pp.
Format - 60x84 1/16
Zbigniew W. Iwanowski
Editorial group:
Natalia V. Arjípova
Irina M. Vershínina - Deputy Editor-in-Chief
Ivan A. Medvedev
Dmitry V. Morozov
The terms for the sending, reviewing and publishing of articles
21/16, B. Ordynka, Moscow, 115035, Russian Federation
Institute of Latin American Studies Russian Academy of Science (ILA RAS)
+7(495) 951-87-57 (TUE, THU)
+7(495) 951-53-23