ISSN 2075-9711 (печатная версия)
ISSN 2076-8400 (электронная версия)
Ежеквартальный научный журнал на испанском языке.Издается ИЛА РАН
ISSN 2075-9711 (Print)
ISSN 2076-8400 (Online)
Quarterly peer reviewed scientific journal published in Spanish language by the Institute of Latin American Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ILA RAS)
ISSN 2075-9711 (Print)
ISSN 2076-8400 (Online)
Revista científica trimestral en español. Editada por el Instituto de Latinoamérica de la Academia de Ciencias de Rusia (ILA ACR)

Iberoamerica 2021 №2

  • Русский
  • English
  • Español

   This issue starts with a series of articles concerning the innovation and sustainable development topics. Liudmila N. Simonova, the author of the first article titled "Technological renewal and sustainable development of Latin America" studies the reasons for the Latin America's technological backwardness and the potential for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set in the  Agenda 2030.The author comes to the conclusion that the deindustrialization in the Latin American region is not only an outcome of the negative processes taking place in the world, but it is also the result of the internal structural problems that have not been resolved. The second article titled "The impact of the pandemic on the implementation of the "Agenda - 2030": aggravating problems or a signal for action?" regards the problems inhibiting the implementation of the "The Sustainable Development Agenda 2030” adopted in 2015 by the UN General Assembly. The authors, Liudmila B. Nikolaeva and Sergey K. Nikolaev, center their attention on the COVID-19s pandemic negative impact and assert that the pandemic demonstrated the need to reformat the priorities of the system of global regulation, “reset” the global world order and step-up work to achieve the SDGs at the national and global levels. In the third article titled "Commercialization of intellectual activity results as a factor of the pharmaceutical industry development in Latin America" by Natalia P. Kononkova, Natalia V. Polavskaya offer a review of the main innovation development problems faced by the pharmaceutical sector in  the region and insist on developing new marketing approaches in order to promote  the intellectual activity results. The priority of the  innovation activity is its  boosting in the sectors of social relevance is especially underlined. The authors of the paper "Innovation capabilities in Mexico and Russia. A comparative analysis", the Mexican researchers Francisco Garcia Fernandez and Jose Luis Lopez Gomez compare the Russia's and Mexico’s innovation capabilities basing on the Global Competitiveness Index data published by the World Economic Forum (WEF); the changes experienced by both countries during the 2008- 2018 period are analyzed. It is concluded that by 2018, the breach between both nations had become the least, being Russia the best performer. The last article of this section deals with the manufacturing industry in Mexico. The authors Danae Duana Avila and Tirso Javier Hernandez Gracia analyze the integration process, evolution of the regions and interregional competition studying the case of Mexico, focusing on disparities in their socioeconomic development. Moreover, basing on such disparities, the comparative analysis of the Mexican States’ transformation process is offered in this work. It is proposed to demonstrate that if regional economic and social differences between the States are reduced, the income levels will produce economic effect that will be reflected in growth and development of the manufacturing sector.

  The second section of this issue deals with the politics and international relations. It starts with the paper by Olga G. Leonova titled "Latin America in a zone of political turbulence”. The author shows the main symptoms of the political crisis in several countries of Latin America: the end of the "left turn" and the trend towards the "right drift"; The author deems that it could result in democracy collapse strengthening authoritarian features of the political system in some Latin American countries. The paper "From Trump to Biden: evolution of US policy towards Latin America" by Vladimir P. Sudarev is regarded to  be on the front burner. The author observes that during Donald Trump administration, the policy aiming at destabilizing the “unwanted regimes” in Latin America had high political costs for the USA. J. Biden administration has a lot of work laid ahead, not just to “correct mistakes,” but to check qualitatively  entire policy areas. In Latin America, it was a restructuring of the relations with Mexico, and a new course in Central America, and a search for new partners, and an adjustment in relations with the "hostile regimes" of Cuba and Venezuela, according to Trump's terminology. The United States and Chinese approaches as for the cooperation with the Latin America countries in the 21st Century are dealt with by Ilya A. Sokov.The author asserts that the United States' inconsistent policy towards the Central American countries has dwindled the US`s influence in this region. China makes dollar diplomacy as a "soft power" supported by the Belt and Road Initiative Program which is successfully developing “the North Triangle” markets. The author concludes that the US-Chinese confrontation will only grow in this region. The issue ends with the article by Lazar S. Jeifets and Kseniya A. Konovalova titled "Historical logic of Argentine-Brazilian Relations: on the confrontation between Jair Bolsonaro and Alberto Fernandez”. The research addresses  the problem of Argentine-Brazilian relations, which has acquired a new meaning due to the ideological contradictions between Jair Bolsonaro and Alberto Fernandez. Among the bibliography of Latin American studies in Russia, the Innovative idea of ​​the work consists in offering a number of conceptual features of the Argentine-Brazilian dialogue in recent history which are compared to last episode of the confrontation between the presidents.

IBEROAMERICA, 2021, num.2 (April – June)



Liudmila N. Simonova. Technological renewal and sustainable development of Latin America

Liudmila B. Nikolaeva, Sergey K. Nikolaev. The impact of the pandemic on the implementation of the “Agenda-2030”: aggravating problems or a signal for action?

Natalia P. Kononkova, Natalia V. Polavskaya. Comercialisation of intelectual activity results as a factor of the pharmaceutical industry development in Latin America

Francisco Garcia Fernandez, Jose Luis Lopez Gomez. Innovation capabilities in Mexico and Russia. A comparative analysis

Danae Duana Avila, Tirso Javier Hernandez Gracia. Growth of the manufacturing industry on Mexico


Olga G. Leonova. Latin America in a zone of political turbulence

Vladimir Sudarev. From Trump to Biden: Evolution of US Policy towards Latin America

Ilya A. Sokov. The United States and Chinese approaches to cooperation with the Latin American countries in the 21st century

Lazar S. Jeifets, Kseniya A. Konovalova. Historical logic of argentine-brazilian relations: on the confrontation between Jair Bolsonaro and Alberto Fernandez