ISSN 2075-9711 (печатная версия)
ISSN 2076-8400 (электронная версия)
Ежеквартальный научный журнал на испанском языке.Издается ИЛА РАН
ISSN 2075-9711 (Print)
ISSN 2076-8400 (Online)
Quarterly peer reviewed scientific journal published in Spanish language by the Institute of Latin American Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ILA RAS)
ISSN 2075-9711 (Print)
ISSN 2076-8400 (Online)
Revista científica trimestral en español. Editada por el Instituto de Latinoamérica de la Academia de Ciencias de Rusia (ILA ACR)

Iberoamerica 2020 №2

  • Русский
  • English
  • Español

The search of effective development model section opens this issue. The first paper is titled "Global dimension of the Latin American transition to sustainable development". The authors, Ilya V. Ilyin and Arkady D. Ursul point out that the strategy of sustainable development is aimed at mitigating the socio-natural conflict between the growing consumption of the humanity and the biosphere inability to have the human needs provided, but suffering ongoing accelerated and widespread degradation, The paper centers on the "sustainable transition", its global extent, the Latin American efforts and particularly, Brazil’s contribution. The next article "Latin American experience of state-private partnership” by Natalia P. Kononkova and Julia R. Shaimukhametova deals with the PPP in the context of public sector theory and successful PPP projects in Latin America. Focusing on the public-private interaction theoretical foundation, and the authors intend to identify the conditions for efficient development between public and private sectors in the developing countries. The last article of this sector regards the EU-MERCOSUR trading agreement by Tatiana V. Sidorenko confirms that this Treaty is made within the updated foreign European Union’s economic strategy to widen the international market. MERCOSUR is regarded to be very attractive market the by the European companies. Moreover, facing the United State’ protectionist policy, the Free Trade Treaty will facilitate to have the commercial and investment relations between Europe and Latin America extended.

The next section concerns the innovation and competition matters. The paper by the Mexican scholars Francisco Javier Ayvar-Campos, Joel Bonales-Valencia, José Antonio Meraz-Rodríguez assesses the Research and Development (R&D) and High Technology (HT) impact produced on the Competitiveness of 56 companies of the Mexican Aeronautical Sector (MAS) by Structural Equations Model with Partial Least Squares (PLS-SEM). The Mexican Aerospace Industry is concluded to be competitive. It is recommended to develop public-private actions. The other article of this section touches the "Digital transformation of tourism in Latin America". The author, Lyudmila P. Voronkova points out the internet special communicative culture, characterized by special discourse, specific roles, personal relationships, special communication skills to consolidate the digitalization results and extend its positive effects, it is recommended first of all to eliminate digital divide between the countries of the region and in the each country

    The third section deals with the matters of the pension system in the demographic transition. The author of the paper "The future of pensions: a look from Latin America" the argentinean scholar Nelson Dionel Cardozo intends to analyze so-called "pension crisis". He refutes the thesis that in the future the payment of public pensions will be unsustainable and disagree with the idea of the "pension crisis". The author reflects on the centrality of problematizing the categories and axioms on which public affairs are thought, and therefore solutions are designed in a link between government decisions and expert knowledge. Eleonora G. Ermolieva Elena E. Shestakova refer in their article "In search of appropriate pension model (Spanish case study)" that Spain is an example of the highest ageing country. A historical review of the pension reform phases in the Iberian country since the beginning of the XXI century and the recent initiatives by the Coalition government in office since January 2020 are offered.

     The last section of this issue concerns the political traditions and transformations. The first article  titled "The new stage of the institutional changes in Cuba" by Nikolai V. Kalashnikov describes the generation changes in the authority structures and adoption of the new constitution. The author indicates, that conserving the main features of the socialist state, the new constitution determines the economic development possibilities based on diversity. The government system is intended to be slightly democratized by dividing the powers and by reforming the territorial administration. The author of the last article Tatiana А. Vorotnikova gives insight of the "Political traditions of the left movement in Ecuador" observes that in conditions of the extremely high number of the political parties and brittle party alliances, the left forces have managed to keep up the line of succession, which made it possible that at the beginning of the XXI century a new phenomenon was staunchly set in the country - the quasi-monopoly of the left-wing party “Alliance PAIS” ruled by Rafael Correa.

IBEROAMERICA, 2020, Num.2,  (April - June)



Ilya V. Ilyin, Arkady D. Ursul. Global dimension of the Latin American transition to sustainable development

Natalia P. Kononkova, Julia R. Shaimukhametova. Latin American experience of state-private partnership

Tatiana V. Sidorenko. EU-MERCOSUR trading agreement as a way of promoting the interests of national business



Francisco Javier Ayvar-Campos, Joel Bonales-Valencia, José Antonio Meraz-Rodríguez. Competitiveness, R&D and high technology of the mexican aeronautical sector: a study under structural equation modeling

Lyudmila P. Voronkova. Digital transformation of tourism in Latin America



Nelson Dionel Cardozo. The future of the pensions: a look from Latin America

Eleonora G. Ermolieva, Elena E. Shestakova. In search of appropriate pension model (spanish case study)



Nikolay V. Kalashnikov. The new  stage of the institutional changes in Cuba

Tatiana А. Vorotnikova. Political traditions of the left movement in Ecuador