ISSN 2075-9711 (печатная версия)
ISSN 2076-8400 (электронная версия)
Ежеквартальный научный журнал на испанском языке.Издается ИЛА РАН
ISSN 2075-9711 (Print)
ISSN 2076-8400 (Online)
Quarterly peer reviewed scientific journal published in Spanish language by the Institute of Latin American Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ILA RAS)
ISSN 2075-9711 (Print)
ISSN 2076-8400 (Online)
Revista científica trimestral en español. Editada por el Instituto de Latinoamérica de la Academia de Ciencias de Rusia (ILA ACR)

Iberoamerica 2023 №4

  • Русский
  • English
  • Español

This issue of the journal includes four blocks. The first one devoted to problems of ideology and social thought, includes the article by Edgar Hernán Fuentes-Contreras (Chile), who concretizes the concept of liturgical thought as a category necessary for understanding the Latin American context. The author shows the distance between the method of rationalizing social relations in Latin America and the fundamental principles of ideological thought.

The second block examines the problems of the economy and politics in the countries of the region. Alexandra Z. Arabadzhyan analyzes the current economic and social situation in Cuba and its problems related to the payment of external debt. The author compares various options for solving this situation and argues that the future of the economic system depends on the readiness of the country's leadership to deepen market reforms. The article by Dmitry M. Rozental is devoted to left-wing political and social organizations in Venezuela in conditions of a systemic crisis. The author notes that against the backdrop of the country's leadership carrying out complex and painful market reforms, a split occurred in the camp of socialist forces, and the confrontation between ideologically close parties and movements intensified, so as identifies the main differences between the parts in conflict and gives ints interpretation. Ruslan V. Kostyuk examines the problem of the unity of the left forces in Brazil in historical retrospect and in the first quarter of the 21st century. Having analyzed the forms and mechanisms of interaction between the left forces under various governments, the author comes to the conclusion that the main problem is the lack of a “social majority” of the left, which forces them to cooperate with liberal and center-right parties. Dmitry M. Eleseenko shows the role of the Mexican National Guard in the strategy of A.M. López Obrador, which was supposed to increase security and lay the bases for the “Fourth transformation” of the political system, however, faced resistance from conservative militaries.

The third block is devoted to the place of Iberoamerica in the modern world. Liudmila B. Nikolaeva examines the role of Brazil in the global environmental agenda and notes that the administration of J. Bolsonaro did not pay due attention to environmental protection and climate change in general, which led to aggravation of relations with the countries of the European Union. Return to the presidency of L.I. Lula da Silva gives the reason to expect a more balanced and consistent position. Andrey S. Yevseyenko reveals the extremely acute reaction of the US establishment to Chinese economic expansion in Latin America, which is considered a threat to the national interests of the United States. The author argues that a return to a constructive perception of the Chinese presence in the region is quite possible if the popularity of the US-China confrontation in American public opinion declines. Alexey A. Davydov analyzes the history of the formation and current state of relations between the United States and Mexico, assesses their quality and the limits of potential aggravation, so as comes to the conclusion that these ties are consistently deep, but at the same time asymmetrical in favor of the United States.

The journal continues to introduce readers to new publications. The fourth block contains reviews by Valery A. Iovenko of the monograph by E.V. Astakhova “Spain as a Metaphor” and Alexandr A. Shinkarenko of the collective research“ Against the Stream: The Trotskyist Movement in Latin America (1920-1930s)”.


2023, núm. 4 (October – December)




Édgar Hernán Fuentes-Contreras. Liturgical Thought and Latin American Society


Alexandra A. Arabadzhyan. Cuban External Debt in the Context of Socio-Economic Crisis

Dmitry M. Rozental. Venezuelan Left Forces and the Situation in the Country

Ruslan V. Kostiuk. Problems of Unity of the Brazilian Left in the XXI Century

Dmitry M. Eleseenko. The Role of the National Guard in the Security Strategy of A.M. López Obrador (Mexico)


Liudmila B. Nikolaeva. Brasil in the Global Environment Agenda

Andrei S. Yevseyenko. China and Latin America in the US Establishment’s the Perception 

Alexey A. Davydov. Close Non-Allies: U.S. Policy Towards Mexico under Joe Biden Presidency


Valery A. IovenkoBagatelles in Ten Canvas for Two Actors

Alexandr A. Shinkarenko. Leon Trotsky and His Legacy in Latin America